Posts Tagged ‘Spiritual’

26.11.10-Right Now, everything is effortless

When I feel like I do tonight, I often wonder why I ever even pursue any sort of spiritual path. Its just so much easier to just be happy and allow life- there is no need to do anything really. Be here and love everything you can while you have the chance. The moments are […]

25.11.10-Love Needs Separation

I have been maintaining my schedule of getting up early in the morning in order to have ample time for my Practice. When I really feel tired, a half hour of yoga is a wonderful way to get my energy flowing so that by the time I sit down to meditate the fog has cleared. […]

23.11.10-This is That

I have finally returned to the shade of my Bodhi tree. I somehow forgot last week that all the marvels of life are best experienced from this place. I can allow them to come, adore them, and watch them pass, but not get lured out to pursue these marvelous, terrifying, blissful illusions. I will sit […]

22.11.10-Relinquish Responsibility

The Practice continues. At a certain point, I think there is a leap of faith to be made. The point when one goes from being a Seeker to being a Finder. This by no means that the journey is over, but rather that it has truly begun. Finding is as endless as Seeking, but it […]

21.11.10-Fundamental human qualities

The clock is ticking in counterpoint to the muffled sound of my daughter banging her blocks on their wooden box in the living room behind a closed door. I am at the table in the kitchen. There is a plant on the far end of the table which offers up a bundle of delicate white […]

20.11.10-Show me the Way!

Although I completed my Practice this morning and worked hard all day, Im not in the best of spirits tonight. Business is not going well and the truth be told, I have come to realize that I don’t really want to continue doing what I am doing for much longer. At this point I am […]

18.11.10-Moment after moment

My wife and I have been getting up earlier than usual in order to have plenty of time for our practice in the morning and I am very glad for that. Its very important not to feel rushed or pressured to finish a meditation by a certain time. Even if one gives oneself enough time, […]

17.11.10-I am here. I am now.

I was relived to wake up feeling much better today and completed my practice before breakfast. Today I feel my clarity returning along with the emotional stability which was so sorely lacking for the past two days. I am glad that the dark spirit or energy which was visiting me is gone now. The feeling […]

16.11.10-A dark place

My wife and I woke up very early this morning in order to have plenty of time for our practice. The yoga really brought my body back into a harmonious state and the my meditation was deep and steady. In spite of this fantastic foundation, my day so far has been an emotional sinkhole. Inexplicably, […]

15.11.10-Increase in density

One of the reasons that my mother came to visit from the States is that my Uncle, her brother, who also lives in Europe celebrated his sixtieth birthday over the weekend in Venice, Italy. My mom and I left for the party last week on Thursday evening. She will be there until Wednesday, and will […]

09.11.10-We are changing

This morning I stayed in bed and tended to our daughter in order to let my wife do her yoga and meditation. I had to take a break from my work at the office in order to fit in a half hour meditation. Although my practice today was abbreviated, I feel like I was able […]

08.11.10-An incandescent ball of life force

I woke up early and completed my practice this morning before anyone else woke up. I repeated my Chi energy exercises again today and I am simply amazed at how effective they are. Its been just three days since I began implementing the excersies described by Manatak Chia in his book Awakening the Heling Energy  […]

07.11.10-The original Mother

I was able to go on a run this morning, but was interrupted in the middle of my meditation by my daughter who needed my attention, so I am planning on doing some yoga and meditation before going to bed tonight. For some time I have felt that the social, logistical, sensory, and energetic implications […]

06.11.10-Radiating energy

My mom, my wife, and I meditated together this morning. I don’t know if it was the spiritual power of three people meditating together, but I had a particularly deep and profound meditation. I wonder whether the spiritual energy of three people meditating is an exponential increase on that of two. A friend of mine […]

03.11.10-The gardener

During my meditations I sometimes experience visions that are so vivid that they are more akin to Lucid Dreams. These meditative dreams usually spring from the depth of my silence and I only realize that they are happening once they are well underway.  The following is a description of a Vivid Vision that I had […]

31.10.10-Beyond the horizon

I have not yet meditated today, as I was out late with a friend last night and we had some friends over for brunch this morning. I will however try to complete my practice this evening. I know now that I am I slowly starting to untangle the habitual threads of thought that weave the […]

30.10.10-Less thinking

I was able to meditate and do some yoga as well as go to the gym today. We just got back from having dinner with some family friends from the States, one of whom, Marc, is a psychotherapist. I was very grateful to have them visit not only because I was able to get some […]

29.10.10-The ripe fruit

I decided to skip yoga this morning because I have been exercising hard all week. I did however carry out a long and deep meditation which I closed with some hypnotic suggestions. Amongst other things, I instructed my subconscious that I should be very productive and excited about all the work I had to do […]

27.10.10-Who I am

I did my yoga and meditatied this morning, but was interrupted by my daughter’s crying and did not have time to get back to it this afternoon. The 20 minutes or so that I did spend in meditation were very effective and I was glad to have found my silence if only briefly. I feel […]

26.10.10-A powerful tool

For the past few days I have been practicing self hypnosis as an addendum to my meditations. In addition to a book I read on the subject a few years ago, I have recently been reading a new book on self hypnosis which has inspired me to begin experimenting with it again. Fundamentally, self hypnosis […]

25.10.10-Recognize the subterfuge

The practice continues… In spite of a good yoga session and a long meditation this morning, I had a relatively difficult time maintaining a clear perspective throughout the day. I had some particularly monotonous and tiring work to do at my office and it slowly but surely drained me of energy and along with it, […]

24.10.10-The true power of a human being

My meditations have been very satisfying over the past few days and I really feel that I have made the leap to a higher plateau of awareness in my day to day life. I have felt very emotionally grounded and at the same time receptive to the signs and symbols that the dreamer has been […]

21.10.10-Old familiar places

I did not have time to do my practice this morning, but I was able to find time to meditate during the day and went on an evening run before dinner. Im feeling a bit frustrated this evening. In spite of all the inner work that I do and all the wonderful experiences and realizations […]

20.10.10-A roman candle of Shakti

This morning I did my yoga but did not have time to meditate because I inadvertently overslept. I was however able to come home at lunch time and meditate with my wife while our daughter took her nap. My emotional energy was flowing very strongly today. I had a sales meeting this morning with a […]