24.10.10-The true power of a human being

My meditations have been very satisfying over the past few days and I really feel that I have made the leap to a higher plateau of awareness in my day to day life. I have felt very emotionally grounded and at the same time receptive to the signs and symbols that the dreamer has been showing me. More than ever I have felt very Lucid and consistently aware of the dream nature of this reality. I feel that a steady inner harmony has developed within me and that rather than being shaken by the outer circumstances of my life, this inner coherence has actually begun to expand its sphere of influence outward. I believe that my outer world has begun to shift in order to reflect the realities of my inner world.

My wife and I joined a couple of close friends of ours for an evening at the movies yesterday. The film we watched was an investigative documentary about the phenomenon of people who claim to be able to live for long periods of time (sometimes several decades) without the need for food and in some cases even water. I consider myself a very open minded person, but such claims always awaken the skeptic in me. I have a sound  fundamental scientific education and my first inclination upon hearing such claims is to think that this must be a deception.

By presenting some real scientific evidence supporting the above metioned claims, the film presented a strong case for the idea that indeed some human beings living on earth today, are doing so for indefinite periods of time without eating any food or even drinking any water! This contradicts some of the most fundamental precepts about the laws of nature as we know them. How can this be?

For me, the most interesting part of the film were some interviews with quantum physicists who presented their theories about how such phenomena might be explained. In particular, they were discussing what the role of human consciousness might play. Quantum theory is something that I have always found fascinating to say the least, but at this point in my Lucid Living journey, listening to what these scientists had to say had a significant effect on me.

I will not go into details here, but it is now clear that western science has now proved beyond doubt that a person’s consciousness can have an immediate and tangible effect on the material world. To what degree a person or a group of people can influence material phenomena has not yet been scientifically established, but I suspect that it depends greatly on the strength of the field of consciousness in question. This in turn would depend on the number of people creating it and or on the strength of each individual’s consciousness.

These ideas resonate strongly with my beliefs and with my model of Lucid Living. I believe that this entire world is being created by consciousness, and not the other way around- thus the dream nature of every level of reality. Everything and everyone is being created by one underlying consciousness and is a part of it.

I believe that even inanimate objects have a degree of consciousness, its just that compared with sentient living creatures, it seems negligible. The more intelligence is available to a creature, the greater its capacity for communion with the one underlying consciousness from which it originated: the infinitely intelligent, organizing power from which all things arise- The Dreamer. A person who is able to access and harmonize with the deeper consciousness, and who can cultivate their own field of consciousness accordingly, may begin to exert similar creative and organizing power within their own field. Perhaps the people who no longer need to eat, have created such a strong field of consciousness that they have literally become singularities, within the collective field, which reflects their own creative self organizing power. They are not governed by the same precepts as the rest of us.

It is not the degree of control and influence over our circumstances and surroundings that defines the true power of a human being- it is the ability to literally create our own new and original ones such that concepts of control and influence become superfluous.



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