06.11.10-Radiating energy

My mom, my wife, and I meditated together this morning. I don’t know if it was the spiritual power of three people meditating together, but I had a particularly deep and profound meditation. I wonder whether the spiritual energy of three people meditating is an exponential increase on that of two.

A friend of mine recommended a book to me a couple of months ago that I began reading just this week. Awakening the Healing Energy  through the Tao  by Mantak Chia is a book dedicated to teaching the reader how to allow the life energy or “chi” to flow through the body. Within the first couple of pages I recognized the description of the very flow of energy which I have felt flow through my own body every time that I sit down to meditate.

Normally I feel this energy begin and rise from the bottom of my spine the moment I realize that my mind has just been still and my body relaxed enough to open itself for a few moments to accept it. It is a very pleasant feeling which usually blossoms as it rises up my trunk and chest and then turns into a relatively extatic sensation as it explodes out the top of my head. Often it happens in cycles of several breaths, with the process being repeated and the effect heightened  with each exhalation. As good as this feels, I tried something new this morning.

Following the instructions of Mantak, I prevented the energy from realeasing through the top of my head. Instead Mantak advises the reader to recycle the energy over the top of the head and back down the front of the body and back to the navel. I did this, and began a long cycle of generating and regenerating this energy and directing it back into my body, more powerfuly each time. What a phenomenal feeling- meditational Tantra.

I slept less than usual for the second night in a row, but have felt absolutely energized all day since my meditation. I feel the power within me. I feel like an old fashioned thick walled ceramic oven, which has been warmed with a long steady fire and continues radiating energy powerfully for many hours afterward.

I feel strong, grounded, and alive. Love.



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