07.11.10-The original Mother

I was able to go on a run this morning, but was interrupted in the middle of my meditation by my daughter who needed my attention, so I am planning on doing some yoga and meditation before going to bed tonight.

For some time I have felt that the social, logistical, sensory, and energetic implications of living in the middle of a cosmopolitan city must constitute a very substantial obstacle to my pursuit of an awakened state. The chaotic, dissonant, and abrasive quality of the life energy which is generated in a big city stands in stark contrast to the smooth, rhythmic, patient energy which eminates from places of wilderness. Human beings, as creatures not only of body and mind, but also of energy, are profoundly affected by the quality of the energy by which they are surrounded.

It has always seemed to me much easier to find my own inner harmony and strength in nature than when I am surrounded by a more urban environment. In fact I believe that for someone who has known nothing but city life, even a brief foray into true wild nature can be transformative and life changing on a deep level. I think this has to do with the idea that the Earth is indeed a living entity, and as such the original mother of all life on her surface. This planet on which we abide, this immense collective cosmic consciousness which we call Earth provides an inexhaustible resource of love, wisdom and strength for all sentient creatures. When human beings isolate ourselves in entire landscapes of our own creation and interact primarily only with each other by means of contrived social convention, we lose our connection with the great power and love of the Earth. This bond with our cosmic mother is so fundamental, that I wonder whether a human being can ever really be realized and complete without it.

That is why it is so important to maintain and protect the few truly wild places left on this planet. The priviledge of experiencing true Wilderness is the birthright of every living creature on this planet.

All that having been said, at this point in my life I find myself seeking Awakenment in the midst of a large urban city. I try to get out to nature as much as I possibly can, but the bulk of my life is spent living in one of the many manmade cave/cubicles which we call our apartment, building a business which is intimately tied to the “old mind” system, and taking part in most of the day to day activities that are a part of city life. I know that this is all scheduled to change- I can feel it. I have activated my power of intent and begun inwardly creating a new situation. I feel excited about working on the material mechanisms through which this change is going to be realized. I know that an outward manifestation of this new inner life that I am leading is now all but inevitable. I am tremendously excited and motivated by this new reality and I know that these positive feelings are strengthening my creative power. Its a self feeding loop of positive energy.

In the mean time, I have to have faith that Lucidity is possible anytime anywhere in any situation. I know deep within myself that the earth, the stars, the sky… are all inside me. Now it is just a matter of materializing them outside me as well.



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