28.11.10-Pure Practice

The practice continues…

It seems that there is a paradox that accompanies any journeyer on the Spiritual path. On the one had, there is the initial realization that there are certain patterns of thought and behavior that keep me from seeing the reality of life. They lead me further in the direction of illusion and suffering. It seems clear that no matter how deply engrained, these kinds of habits must be changed. This is not as easy as it first seems and therefore, a practice or a system is adopted in order to precipitate the necessary adjustments in consciousness.

On the other hand, as the process of adjustment unfolds, and I begin to discern wisdom, I realize that in order to ever know truth and be able to be free of the illusions created by my mind, I must first accept and love myself as I am, entirely and unconditionally. Therein lies the paradox- how can I be engaged in a rigorous process of transformation and at the same time be satisfied with what I am right now?

I think that like so many paradoxes that we run into in life, this is yet another one of the myriad illusions created by my ego mind to try to create a point of conflict. In truth this idea is yet another distraction designed as a diversion, and implemented with the ultimate goal of planting a seed of doubt. Questions such as: Do I really need to do this in order to be happy? Cant I just BE happy? Have I  created yet one more obstacle in order to postpone the enlightenment that is available to me right now?

There is no good answer to these questions because such questions are not the right ones to be asking.

I simply practice. There is no reason. There is no goal. There is no why. Its my nature. Pure Practice makes the kinds of questions above irrelevant. What a relief.



One Response to “28.11.10-Pure Practice”

  1. Barb says:

    Genius. Thank you.