Yay, the economy is ‘strengthening’…

According to this WJS article, our bosses are seemingly confident that OUR economy is improving, thanks to the brilliant stimulus mojo they put on it. However, there could be a snag, as is alluded to in the piece. This snag comes in the form of European nations not wanting to issue more debt or print more money to keep this so called stimulus rolling, and resorting to austerity measures instead.  Can you see the wonderful opportunity for finger pointing taking place here? I can… It goes like this:

” Well we would have bailed the US out of this mess if our friends across the pond were willing to work with us… It’s THEIR fault if our plan failed.”

The timing of this ‘press release’, because it is nothing more than a PR spin piece thrown  in the lap of the media right at the moment the G20 is taking place, where Barak Obama is getting the door slammed on his foot by the other countries after asking that they follow suit with extending stimulus all around. A corporation called the Federal Reserve is printing funny money and LOANING it out to a broke US government so that it can pay off the bad debts of its rich buddies, thereby adding insult to our insurmountable public debt. The EU central banks are using the last remnants of their credit worthiness to borrow funny money from other dubious sources, so that it can stave off the default of its member countries (who have also purchased the crap instruments from European banks), with Greece being first in line. I was a banker at some point, and I would have never loaned a penny to any of these governments, or to the ‘too big to fails’.

The current world fiscal apocalypse reminds me of playing Monopoly as a kid, when one of my buddies was getting cleaned out and we just handed funny money all around, because none of this was real anyways, and that way we could carry on. Sometimes the winning player would dispute this redistribution of  Monopoly paper wealth, because it made his winnings meaningless in the scheme of the game, and so he would try to enforce the structure of the game. Sometimes I was the winner, and I would loan out a few bills to my broke ass opponent, so we could keep playing this game where I had all the money and hotels and he could proceed through the game with only another chance at landing on my hotel . It was hopeless for him, there’s no way he’d dig himself out of this hole, but hey I had all the money.  It is at this point that the game would dive into a dimension of absurdity, because it became irrelevant that I had all the wealth on the board when he had none. There was really no going anywhere from here, but to reshuffle the deck, redistribute the funny, worthless money and the little houses, so that we could enjoy a game again. But the one in the winner seat usually wanted to stay in it as long as possible… The one in the winner seat only had the illusion of power and winning as long as the other suffered the scarcity and lack of funny money, up to a point. When all the money had been amassed on one side and the last hope had been lost for the other, that money really became meaningless. Currency is meaningful only when it facilitates human exchange, and becomes irrelevant when the conditions for exchange end. In other words, it’s not the quantitative supply of money that matters, it’s the flow and velocity… I’ll let you ponder the beauty of this, in light of our current situation.

And so I believe we are finding ourselves in such a conundrum. All this funny fiat money pulled out of thin air to preserve the current game so the winners can keep profiting at the expense of the less fortunate, but without completely breaking their backs, because at that point, when the losers stop playing, the winnings really become pointless. So the deck gets reshuffled, as it does periodically, like in the last depression, the last world war, the Soviet revolution, etc… and we carry on playing monopoly, trying to take the finite goodies from the board before someone else does.  Will we ever think of another game to play? If you don’t get the analogy, because you are behind current events or too busy paying your med school loans to care or just don’t get it, here it is in a few words:

As long as the current central banking and credit systems are in place, the people running them will stay ahead in the game we are all in.  Saving the Fed and Goldman is really not in your interest.  To stay on top in the game of wealth acquisition, They will try to stave off going broke by handing each other more funny money that they pulled out of thin air. Otherwise,  game over, and all the money they currently sit on will be worthless… If you are getting the short end of the stick in this current game, all this funny money is becoming increasingly meaningless already because it is getting further out of reach, it is getting you less for your life’s blood, so do yourself a favor and help bring this game to an end, so another one can start. The sooner, the better, for you.

You can call me a socialist if that puts it in terms you are comfortable with, but really, I’m just one of the players and am seeing that for many, the game is losing its luster, and the few hangers on left are the ones who are holding most of the chips they won from the rest of us. Besides writing this and working for a few more chips, I am bidding my time until this game goes belly up and am thinking of how we can play the next round.


Raphael Protti

One Response to “Yay, the economy is ‘strengthening’…”

  1. Michael Clarke says:

    I couldn’t have said it better. time to end this game and start a new one called… Disclosure!!!