23.12.10-A better way to live

Staying as guests at my in laws house is always a great time, but never conducive to meditation or yoga practice. I have not yet completed my practice today. For me however, the entire experience of being in Iceland is a spiritual one. I know I can find an opportunity to Practice in any situation really, even when I am not actually stretching or sitting on a meditation cushion, but our vacations here present a particularly good environment for applied Practice.

Being a guest in someone else’s home and being dependent on other people for my means of transportation and scheduling is a great opportunity to practice surrender. The family here is large and includes several small children, so an inevitable amount of amount of chaos and agitation is implicit at all gatherings. In addition to this, although the whole family is capable of speaking remarkably good English, naturally when they are together, virtually all conversation is in Icelandic. I now understand some, but I am quite helpless when trying to say most anything, and following a fast-flowing conversation amongst a table full of people is just beyond me. Anyone who has ever had this experience can attest to how powerless one feels when one does not speak the language of the people one is surrounded by.

Its not to say that my time here is a chore- quite the opposite is true. My wife’s family is an extraordinarily loving and decent group of people that I am truly touched and honored to be a part of. In order however to be able to take advantage of my vacation time and truly relax and enjoy this experience, a great deal of flexibility is necessary. Ironically, it is this element of these family visits which makes my trips to Iceland so pleasurable.

For of all the reasons I mention above, if I want to enjoy my time here, I really have no choice but to surrender. I have to give up my demands for whatever my personal desires may be and simply surrender to each situation and every moment. It makes me realize how much more I could do this on a day to day basis, and how much better life feels when I do. When I just accept whatever is happening around me without thinking that something else SHOULD be taking place, then life is much more satisfying. There is no frustration, just appreciation of the moment. Even when the momentary situation is challenging, it can still be appreciated.

To maintain this frame of mind as the background for all activities that I engage in, to be prepared to surrender completely at all times, to be involved in what I am doing in this world, but not be invested in it beyond giving it my full attention right now- this is a better way to live.



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