19.12.10-Less Judgement

I have allowed the preparations for our Christmas vacation combined with the busy social calendar of the holiday season to prevent me from meditating for the past two days. I have nevertheless felt very balanced and clear, but I am looking forward to getting up for Practice tomorrow morning.

I have never felt as emotionally stable and perceptually clear as I have for the past week. I feel as if I have reached a new level of development on this path of inner discovery.

The more time passes since our fast the week before last, the more I realize how important that experience was for me. It was by all means a challenge, but I feel that it precipitated some psychological as well as physical adjustments that have allowed me to discover a new depth in my Spiritual life.

Most importantly, it showed me how to observe myself when I am suffering and to realize that I don’t have to try to avoid suffering. I can actually welcome it as an amazing teacher, and fantastic tool for learning. I have thus truly been able to live with far more equanimity with regard to my life situations than every before. The judge in my mind has quieted significantly and I am glad for that. It allows me to actually see the world around me more clearly and I am thus better able to discern truth from illusion.

There is a difference between discernment and judgement. Discernment is about seeing the world around me and my relationship to it as it really is- it is about recognition of the truth. Judgement implicates my preferences about the world in my decision making process. Less judgement is better.



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